Course Information /
1. 脊椎的生物力學Biomechanics of the spine
2. 退化性脊椎疾患Degenerative spine disease
A. 頸椎Cervical spine
B. 腰椎Lumbar spine
C. 紅旗指標Red flags
D. 陷套與非陷套神經病變Entrapment and Non- Entrapment neuropathies
3. 脊椎變形Spine deformity
4. 骨質疏鬆Osteoporosis
5. 退化性脊椎疾患治療策略 Therapeutic strategies for Degenerative spine disease
A. 保守性療法conservative treatment
B. 介入性疼痛治療Interventional pain management
C. 手術治療surgery
6. 特別議題: 下背手術失敗症候群 Special issue: Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS)